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Taller de "Relatividad, Cosmología y Mecánica Cuántica" Vacantes Agotadas Inicio 17 octubre 2008

First Workshop on Numerical Astrophysics: Chemical Evolution of Galaxies 24-27 November 2008
Seminarios del grupo Astrofísica Numérica Los Martes 11hs.

First Workshop on Numerical Astrophysics: Chemical Evolution of Galaxies

Buenos Aires, Argentina, 24-27 NOVEMBER 2008

Institute for Astronomy and Space science, Buenos Aires, Argentina.


How galaxies we observed today are formed is still an open question. An unprecedented amount of data on the dynamical, astrophysical and chemical properties of galaxies at different redshifts is being gathered. Fundamental dynamical and chemical relations measured as a function of redshift suggest a complex history of formation and evolution.
The possibility of contrasting observations with results from numerical simulations of galaxy formation in a cosmological framework is a powerful tool which can help to improve our knowledge of how the Galaxy, the Local Group, and the structure beyond were formed. However, several issues remain as controversies giving rise to discussions among scientists.


> F. Matteucci (University of Trieste): "The Chemical Evolution of Galaxies of all Morphological Types"

> K. Dolag (MPI fur Astrophysik, Garching, Germany): "Simulation Techniques for Cosmological Simlations"


· M. Abadi (IATE - OAC, Córdoba, Argentina): Numerical Simulations of Disk Galaxy Formation

Summary: The formation of disk galaxies is still an open question for modern astrophysics.

· D. G. Lambas (IATE - OAC, Córdoba, Argentina): Galaxy Interactions

Summary: Galaxy interactions can induce important changes on galaxy properties.

· I. Saviane (ESO, Chile): Is the mass-metallicity relationship inevitable?

Summary:I will review our understanding of the mass-metallicity relationship (MZR) of galaxies, mostly based on the key observational material accumulated in the course of the years.

· L. Sodre (Departamento de Astronomia, IAG-USP, Sao Paulo, Brazil): An Introduction to Groups and Clusters of Galaxies

Summary:I will review the structure of groups and clusters, galaxy evolution in clusters and the intergalactic medium.

· M. Zoccali (P. Universidad Católica de Chile): "Chemical Evolution of the Galactic Bulge"

Summary:The chemical properties of the Milky Way Spheroid, and in particular of the Galactic Bulge, will be briefly reviewed.


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